天然日本海水Akoya珍珠項鍊 Natural Japanese Seawater Akoya Pearl Necklace <<附證書>>
- Regular price
- NT$ 1,329.32
- Sale price
- NT$ 1,329.32
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NT$ 0.00
#獨一無二訂製款/One-of-a-kind custom-made item
宛如來自月光映照的海面,Akoya 珍珠以其溫暖的光澤,象徵著純真的愛與永恆的守護,擁有獨特的圓潤與光澤,仿若皎潔的月光流轉於頸間。這款項鍊集高貴與自然於一身,彰顯出佩戴者的精緻品味與無限優雅,將自然的純粹融入生活的每一刻。
Like the sea illuminated by moonlight, Akoya pearls, with their warm luster, symbolize pure love and eternal protection. They possess a unique roundness and sheen, as if the radiant moonlight flows around the neck.This necklace embodies both nobility and nature, showcasing the wearer's exquisite taste and infinite elegance, integrating the purity of nature into every moment of life.
TDUGR證號: TDUGR24011333T
天然海水Akoya珍珠/Natural seawater Akoya pearls:
顏色/Color: Milky White
形狀/Shape: Bead
尺寸/ Size : 6mm
重量/Weight: 68g
鍊長/ Length: 48cm
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