IMG_1413精裝裱紙 封套-02(1) 2




Chanel 香奈兒曾說:「黑色能包容一切,白色亦如此。」

整張專輯BELLA陳姿吟不僅親自擔任音樂製作人,從詞/曲到雙簧管演奏,演唱,是整張融合了全球各式經典曲風的華語流行跨界專輯,包含:復古搖滾樂風,抒情中國風,紐約百老匯以及文青巴薩諾瓦與音樂舞台劇風格 !

BELLA 陳姿吟,乘著音樂的時光機 ,跨越時空隧道的裂縫回到過去,送小時候的自己一份音樂禮物!

BELLA風格的Vintage & boutique music diary  ,即將引領「復古奢華+流金歲月 」的時尚音樂革命!

BELLA CHEN, the creative 「MUSICAL JEWELER 」from Asia, who plays the oboe and designs jewelry. The refined melody, combined with the transcendent oboe and the unique sweet , sexy colorful voice, create a unique style that shocks a variety of music styles. This is the essence of BELLA's seven-year creation.

777 represents countless weeks of day and night creations with black and white piano keys. Bella uses musical notes to depict the essence of love. It is a global pop music album that integrates various musical styles . The genre includes retro- Rock, Chinese style, New York Broadway,  Bossa Nova , and Musical drama. Special thanks to the " Grammy Award-winning mixing master DAVE DARLINTON “ who has particilated in mastering this record. DAVE DARLINGTON also collaborated on an album with 「Domingo」, one of the greatest tenors in the world! 

Bella's music photography, taken by a famous Paris photography master, presents stylish poses and gown concepts with a captivating feel of glamorous elegance.

Let's take 「Music Time Machine 」and go back to see Bella’s childhood dreams with this 777 BLACK WHITE album!
