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蕾絲稀有硨磲貝珠 Lace Rare Clam Shell Beads

Regular price
NT$ 462.92
Sale price
NT$ 462.92
Regular price
NT$ 661.32
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#獨一無二訂製款/One-of-a-kind custom-made item


The perfect combination of natural beauty and delicate craftsmanship, the rare Tridacna shell carries the purity and beauty of nature. When it meets the intricate craftsmanship of lace, it creates a sense of beauty that is both classical and modern. The exquisite embroidery of lace and the warm pearls blend perfectly, filled with a celebration of nature and beauty.

天然硨磲貝珠尺寸/ Natural conch pearl size : 10mm / 4mm

總鍊長/ Length: 78cm




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